





by Oliver Augst und Christoph Korn
Production: Hessischer Rundfunk, Editor Radioplay-Department: Dr. Christoph Buggert
Textfragments from Hanns Eisler, Bertolt Brecht, Karl Marx, Friedrich Hölderlin, Walter Benjamin, G.W. Friedrich Hegel, Karl Kraus, Ignazio Silone, Ruth Berlau, Johann Gottfried Herder, Johannes R. Becher and SED propoganda. Songs by Brecht/Eisler and Bertolt Viertel/Hanns Eisler
47 minutes
First broadcast: Juli 12, 2000 / Hessischer Rundfunk / hr2 / D

Spoken words and vocals: Michaela Ehinger and Oliver Augst
Other voices: Holger Bocklet, Rüdiger Carl, Christine Dunze, Oliver Hardt, Andrea Kränzle, Alice von Lindenau, Ralph Mangelsdorff, Alexandra Maxeiner, Anja May, Eva Simon, Regine Strotbek

"Far-removed from well-worn new-music sound, it is a free-associative journey on an uncensored plain of sound. This experimental style is perhaps closer to Eisler than the material itself. He manifests himself in a musical curiosity that creates a new vision … a constant fusion of contrasting pieces, which form amazingly consistent structures and a higher sensuousness." (Bayrischer Rundfunk)



Untitled Document